today has been a real pisser of a day. they say it's the little things that add up, but sometimes the big things add up, too.
i have a mystery eye problem. just a really sore, red eye. at first i thought i had conjunctivitis, (btw, unless you really, really need to know, you should never search for "eye problems" or any related search online. i can't even fathom what would have happened had i used Google Images.) but it's really on one side of one eye. it seems to be slowly getting better, but if it's not really improved by tomorrow, i shall be heading to the medicentre.
en tout cas.
so i have kind of a squidgy looking eye, and i have to wear my glasses (well, i elected to wear them, since i thought it would be kinder to my poor eyeball), which i kind of hate doing. and i dragged my ass to work this morning, where i discovered that since i had to leave early and needed to get my work done quickly, that my keyboard had lost its mind. like when you type, it randomly skips back to the beginning of lines, inserts characters, toggles in and out of caps lock and numeric lock. it's like the keys have been... switched around, somehow. except not consistently. needless to say, i didn't get a lot done.
so i headed to acupuncture, which ... didn't really work today. which sucks. and i have to say i'm tired of talking about my back and how it's going, and do i think i'll need surgery, and how much it must suck, and how other people are sad that it isn't getting better, etc, etc, etc.
came home, prepared to do some work, and just realized that i feel like i'm pretty disappointing to a lot of people. not because of my eye, not because of my keyboard, or acupuncture. but i just feel like a big disappointment. to myself, especially. and i feel like i'm incapable of expressing myself (hilarious, if you think about how much bitching i do here. and that's just on the internet!).
i feel like i have potential, like all i am is potential, sometimes. but eventually, you really need to get to the actual. or actualizing.
something like that. is it that i'm not accomplishing enough? is it that i need to be happy with said accomplishments? do i really just need to chill?
but it's all been building up and i'm feeling frustrated and blocked and all those other things that i'm sure will be somewhat more manageable once tomorrow gets here.
back to watching the primary results. ew, hillary.
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