just doing a little reorganizing of stuff on the computer, decided to finally upload my pictures from vegas... such as they are. here are a couple of them:

as you can see, vegas is a very dangerous place.

but one full of exciting opportunities!

and terrible frustrations...

and just a lot of stuff that doesn't really go together.
I've heard it said that the true charm of Las Vegas is that they've got one of everything: Statue of Liberty, Taj Mahal, Leaning Tower...
Possibly "charm" should be read as "travesty".
hey, don't knock it till you try it. and i'm saying that as an official member of the mgm players' club.
my only regret is that i didn't get a photo of the m&m mascots (outside the m&m store)kicking the crap out of me. not that that happened. it would just have been a funny picture.
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