Hey there friends and neighbours,
Long time no see! I hope you've been having a merry merry and a happy happy this holiday season. Just like everyone else on the internet, I've been doing some reflecting about the past year and the year ahead.
2012 was difficult for me--I'll be happy to see it get the hell out of here later on today. I struggled with an increasingly bad work situation, with a long-ass bout of depression, with getting rejected to pretty much every.single.thing I applied to, with feeling creatively drained and wondering if I really belonged in this business of show.
There were some good points--a week-long workshop of my play with some amazing artists, a couple of little acting gigs here and there, meeting some great writers, making some truly supportive friends. I started running, and just yesterday I ran nearly 4km, which is pretty impressive considering I could barely run for half a block just a couple of months ago. But still, I'm not sorry to see this year go.
2013 is looking pretty good from here. I've just booked a gig (that I've told hardly anyone about) at a big theatre: tiny part in a big-budget production. I am simultaneously stricken with anxiety and excited to start work. I'm doing a workshop out of town in May, and I'm waiting (skeptically) to hear on something that may fill in some of the intervening time. I have some ideas about some other things I'd like to do this year.
I'd like to say I'm someone who doesn't make resolutions, but frankly, if something involves a list, I'm on it. I have a couple of specific ones (the usual--lose some weight, update this blog more regularly), but I'm mostly envisioning a general direction for 2013: creating and rediscovering myself as an artist. Giving myself permission to be an artist again. Taking risks. Having more compassion for myself while I do all that.
I'm feeling pretty optimistic about this year--what about you?
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