i wish i knew what the hell was up with my formatting. oh, well.
the only good thing about digging through the ruins of this apartment, was that i found my cake decorating book,
Frosting Fantasia, a delightful collection of disturbing cakes from the SunValley 1972 Cake Show. the reason i wanted to find it was that there's a woman who seems to be running the show, pictured in several candid shots... a very--handsome-- woman. then a few pages later, her
husband is pictured-- and he looks
remarkably like his wife.
as in, i wonder if cake decorating mavens of the early seventies used to whisper amongst themselves:
"Is she, or isn't she?" or
"why don't we ever see them together? they're like spiderman and Peter Parker!"
Polkaroo, indeed.
i have no idea if this is true or not. but now i can stare at the photos with my magnifying glass, inviting all who pass by to give their impressions. what a bizarre double life to lead. and if it is true, all because even in the sexy seventies, society couldn't accept a man who liked to decorate cakes. oh, and wear pantyhose.
i've been inspired by some other sites on the web, such as
triplux and
negroplease.com, who are running self-challenges of 101 things in 1001 days. essentially, the rule is that you list 101 things you want to accomplish in that timeline, and the wording must be specific, with no ambiguities. i'm going to start working on my own list, which i'm sure anyone who may be reading here will be thrilled about.
in the meantime, i must get back to packing.
remember: loose lips sink... cakes!